Apr 22

Overtone 14N NMR

Andreas Brinkmann has used SpinDynamica to simulate 14N overtone NMR. See http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4775592

Mar 28

Simultaneous precession and relaxation of a magnetization vector



Download the code here: RelaxationAndPrecession.nb

Mar 26

Spin 1 Pake pattern

Spin-1 Pake pattern

SpinDynamica code: Pake.nb

Jan 28

Visit SpinDynamics Forum

Visit our SpinDynamics Forum for more examples.


Malcolm Levitt on his landmark article about Composite Pulse.


Nov 28

Welcome to SpinDynamica

SpinDynamica is a set of packages for Mathematica, programmed by Malcolm Levitt and others. Our research group uses these routines extensively to explore magnetic resonance concepts and develop new experimental methods.


Singlet to Magnetization (S2M) Animation


Singlet 2 Magnetization

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